How to draw 8-bit images in Photoshop?

I need to draw the scenery for an 8-bit game, but all the pictures are obtained with a color depth of 32 bits. I tried to change different settings in Photoshop (image-mode-8bit / channel) but the images are still 32-bit.

here is the photo itself, after downloading which you can sit in the properties of the color depth 32

Author: Kromster, 2020-09-15

1 answers

Photoshop is different. I will paint for Adobe Photoshop CC 2018. So, step by step ...

  1. First, create a new image of the specified geometry. ФайлСоздать, there we select Цветовой режим RGB 8бит
  2. After creating a new image, we immediately change the color mode. ИзображениеРежимИндексированные цвета. In the dialog that opens, change Палитра, for example, to System (Windows) or Uniform (you can read more about using the conversion to indexed colors - here):

enter a description of the image here

  1. Start drawing. When choosing a color, note that not all colors on the color cube are available (due to the selected bit depth), this can be seen in the warning and the suggestion of the nearest possible color:

enter a description of the image here

  1. When saving a drawn file ФайлСохранить как... feel free to choose the format GIF. This format just represents an 8-bit image. You can also choose the format BMP, but then you will need to additionally specify Глубина 8-бит:

enter a description of the image here


Author: Majestio, 2020-09-16 01:41:20