Can I start by learning java? [closed]

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Please do not send me at once, but give me advice. Before I asked this question, I went to Google, searching on the forum found answers to questions. But still I want to clarify some points so as not to engage in nonsense. Java software is interested in such areas as junior java developer and web developer.

  1. In the java literature, it is written that you need to have programming experience. I am in my second year of programming, but I am still at the level of a binary student, so do I need to be able to program well in programming languages such as C++, pascal, etc.?
  2. As in one article I read that " It is desirable to start learning Java from tasks that are adequate the existing level of knowledge of Java.". Where can I get such tasks? I can't think of it myself yet.
  3. Have you ever understood how to work with java documentation with a specific task?
    Thank you in advance for your help.
Author: Grundy, 2011-07-24

8 answers

You can start by learning Java.

  1. Knowledge of C++ is not necessary to learn Java, but it is desirable. As with learning natural languages, for example, knowledge of French is useful for learning Italian, but not necessary.
  2. We need to find textbooks where these tasks are available. For example, tasks and exercises. Search by the words: "Java tasks".
  3. Take a high-quality textbook with examples and read it. Then start writing simple applications. For your reference: for novice Java programmers.
Author: Nicolas Chabanovsky, 2011-07-24 07:00:00
  1. Your literature is bad.
  2. Look for freelance sites, look for tasks for lab, coursework at the institute, programming Olympiads, site.
  3. It is not clear which documentation we are talking about: RS/UTP or javadoc. RS is needed in order to describe all the necessary functionality of the program. UTP is needed in order to make a test case for each requirement described in RS. javadoc saves you when searching for funds , for example, you have not worked with the database for a long time and have forgotten which method you need specifically need. Or you forgot which parameter to pass, where to get the constant to pass to the method, and so on., and so on...

To become-to be a programmer does not mean to know any language at all. If you want to become a java junior with a web bias, it's not a problem! Here is a sample list of what you can do to do this:

  1. it is good to understand OOP, in java this paradigm is the basis of the language (classes, interfaces, abstract classes);
  2. learn the basic classes so that when writing a program you did not spend a lot of time searching (working with files, with the network, writing GUI, sorting, working with the database); in addition, you do not just need to make a simple program, you also need to do everything to make it work faster; (working in this direction will give a deeper knowledge of the language);
  3. master error handling and working with threads;
  4. understand the design patterns (at least the creation patterns, after reading about some template, try to write the code yourself, try to find its use in real code, - java sources);
  5. understand the tools robots with Regexp, xml (+xpath), xsl (this will be useful for you in web development);
  6. applets, servlets, jsp pages (it is worth understanding in this order); write a client, a server for exchanging any data (for example, a weather server, a currency converter); you can take data from some public server;
  7. understand ORM, EJB, and Spring technologies.

P.S. Learn to write good code. If an outsider who is barely familiar with programming (or not familiar with java), but knows English, can understand it, this is one of the signs of good code. Good code doesn't crash with IllegalArgumentException. Good code is always well formatted. Good code is always easy to fix, add new functionality. A good code is one that you don't want to rewrite again (refactor)...

Author: jmu, 2011-07-25 10:01:21

For example, at the Munich Technical University, programming is studied from the 1st year and it is in Java Core!!!

Author: deniz, 2012-08-17 11:18:18

You will understand how to work with the documentation when you have to solve the first problem. In the beginning, you will start looking for pieces of code in Google and rewriting it. Then read the documentation and everything will become much clearer. This is the wrong way, but it is often used. In any case, it is better to read the book at the beginning and understand the code in the course of the play. It is even better to rewrite pieces of code directly from the book, without kntrl c kntrl b, asking yourself the questions "what does this line mean". You will learn to read the documentation then, when you start writing it - javsdocs is a great example for this. About books. Bruce Eckel gives a good internal understanding of why this is so, but there are no problems. Not poorly described in Schildt, there are exercises for each chapter, but the book has not been reprinted for a long time. If it will be on java 1.5, and better 1.6, then read boldly. And there's Horstman. There are no exercises either. The language is complex, but everything is described simply. Even better, read in English. Surprisingly, many translated literature into Russian is read worse than in English. the original. An average knowledge of English is quite enough.

The most important thing is probably not the knowledge of another language, but thinking. It was hard for me to learn Java after Pascal, because I had to switch to OOP. Algorithmic thinking should always be there.

Now about the work. Java is just the first step) Most often now they develop for the web, and this is the knowledge of Java. Where there is knowledge of EE, there is also a database (SQL). No databases - means XML. Of course, you can't learn everything right away. So start with java, then take IT, and you should be taught SQL at the university.

Author: Anton Feoktistov, 2011-07-24 09:45:13

In my opinion, it does not matter where to start. You should start with what is interesting. Because you will either get sucked in and become a good programmer, or you will realize that this is not your thing. And learning a second or third programming language is not a problem. Of course, if you like it.

I generally started with Flash + Action Script, because it's fun (cartoons, toys there are all sorts).

Author: mvcdev, 2011-07-25 03:38:40

I started studying Java, already having some experience in learning C++. As smart people said above , you don't have to ask yourself what YOU NEED to know in order to learn Java. This is already an autonomous, independent language. You just need to want to understand, clearly define the purpose of the study and show perseverance. So anything can be studied. Just do not lose heart if you meet difficult tasks that will be difficult to deal with. Perseverance and hard work-all peretrut) Good luck learning!

Author: Богдан Остапчук, 2011-07-25 18:32:52

Yes, you can, I started this way, but not with books, but with a resource in which the theory is given a little, but is accompanied by a large number of tasks with automatic verification.

If you start with complex topics , there is a high chance that failures and misunderstandings will push you away, so you should not learn other languages before Java. Java is much simpler than C++ and allows you to quickly feel the magic of programming. Despite its simplicity, Java is a very powerful language. So definitely YES-it is worth it start with Java.

Author: holodnsk, 2015-09-16 05:58:26

You don't have to know C++. But as far as I understand, pure JAVA is more likely to be used for programming servers and various devices. If it's for the WEB, you'll need JavaScript. And in general, you can find all this in Wikipedia.

Author: new_russian_man, 2011-07-24 06:51:26