How to force recaptcha to expire your session?

I'm trying to make modifications with the recaptcha expiration message, but I can't see it (occasionally if I leave a tab open, it pops up), is there any way to force the recaptcha expiration callback?

In the case below the alert does not run because I do not know what time for it to be activated.

var onloadCallback = function() {
     grecaptcha.render('g-recaptcha', {
          'sitekey' : '6LcaNiwUAAAAAEdD5whzKq-9b1cXMlLexxBxcXhO',
          'expired-callback' : expCallback

 var expCallback = function() {
Author: haykou, 2017-08-25

1 answers

There is no way to force recaptcha to expire session, just render it after it expires.

Use a callback parameter using grecaptcha.reset()

For example:

Put this in the header.

   var callback = function() {
      grecaptcha.render('id-of-render-element', {
         'sitekey': 'your-site-key',
         'expired-callback': expCallback
   var expCallback = function() {

Put this after the element that will be used to render the reCAPTCHA.

<div id="id-of-render-element"></div>
<script src="" async defer></script>


Author: Henrique Araújo, 2017-08-25 19:32:25