How to get a url link to a vk image

I study python, work with the vk api, use the vkbottle bot module (that is, for a group). The bottom line is that a person writes a message to the group, for example, "hello" (and attaches a picture to the message).. I need to extract the url (original) pictures - how to do it?, I attach the code

from vkbottle import Bot, Message, PhotoUploader
from vkbottle import Bot, Message, VKError

bot = Bot('ЗДЕСЬ ТОКЕН', debug=True)

@bot.on.message(text='привет', lower=True) #тут он присылает текст с прикрепленной картинкой
async def wrapper(ans: Message):
#здесь нужно как-то извлечь url(оригинал)
    await ans(f"Готово!") 

Author: Игорь, 2020-06-02