How to get rid of frame breaks(tearing)?

Tiring is tormented, has already tried everything that he found on the Internet - nothing helps. But sometimes after updating the system via apt upgrade (when the kernel is updated), the tiring disappears completely, everything works, etc., but secure boot is enabled - I tried to enable it manually and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-375 - the tiring does not disappear. I tried it on different versions of the kernel - everywhere the tiring remains, but on some versions(4.7, 4.8, 4.9,..) it only gets worse, and even at the installation stage. In general, I attach all the logs that I could find, tell me at least in which direction to Google.

OS-Ubuntu 16.04.2, kernel 4.12.0 (installed manually immediately after installing the axis, on the kernel 4.8 the screen generally flickered), nvidia driver-375

P.S. there is no hint of vsync in the nvidia settings, changing the settings in CompizConfig Settings Manager does not affect the situation, changing /etc/X11/Xorg. conf does not help(when restarting the file is overwritten default)









Author: Никита Гордеев, 2017-07-09

2 answers

You know, in Xorg, there was always a tearing. Because of its architecture. Initially, the entire render is written to buffers, and another thread reads this buffer and outputs it to the screen.

I've always noticed this problem in firefox. Recently, the tiring has disappeared somewhere, there is a brand new Archlinux.

Wayland vs Xorg.

In the new graph. the manager of Wayland, which will soon surpass Xorg, can not be teering at all. Because of its programming part.

So far, Wayland only works fully in the Gnome shell. KDE sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. You can't understand it with updates.

Nvidia. As I recall, it genits its Xorg. conf, edit.

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

And add the line

Option  "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"

Nvidia 2.

 nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceCompositionPipeline = On }"

Nvidia 3.

 nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"

AMD. Catalyst Control Center -> display -> "Tear Free Desktop mode".

Intel. Sometimes video jerks occur due to the SNA acceleration method. To fix this, enable the "Tearfree" option in the driver.

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf

Section "Device"
   Identifier  "Intel Graphics"
   Driver      "intel"
   Option      "TearFree"    "true"

KDE. It may help, but it didn't help me:)


Method from KDE, VSync.

Automatic: Depending on the cost, whether to include the fight against tiring.

With a minimum of costs: Only works with full-screen apps. Imagine that you have turned on Youtube in full screen, kde will turn on the fight against tiring. I hope something helps.

Not verified. I didn't get around to checking it out.

sudo nano /etc/environment # добавь переменную


Comment. I repeat, I use Archlinux, Xorg, Intel, the last firewood and tiring is no more, although I used to see it very often...

Supplement. Just noticed the core 4.12.0 why such cores. You know the latest packages and kernel versions in Archlinux. Now I have a hard-on 4.11.8-1-zen

Extension 2. If your Xorg. conf is overwritten, then use /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ there describe the additional file.

Author: Denis Kotlyarov, 2017-07-15 13:38:16

You say there is no hint of vsync in the settings, don't you have this:


Although it probably won't help you, but check it out. I personally have also suffered from this problem. I tried different distributions in combination with different composite managers. In some places, this problem was solved, for example, in the xubuntu+compton bundle, the tiring disappeared, but another problem appeared - compton caused memory leaks and terrible lags on my machine. In the end (I personally have) the problem was solved by switching to the third gnome. Surprisingly, there is no tiring in it out of the box! Plus, it comes with the fashionable wayland now, in which this problem should also be solved, but I do not know, on my gtx465, for some reason it does not furychit.

Author: Beast Winterwolf, 2017-07-15 01:56:53