How to implement a weighted graph?

The graph is set by an adjacency list, read from a file. As a result, the graph = List<Node> I don't know how to programmatically implement the weight of the edges. Please tell me.

class Node //вершина
    public string name; //хранит название вершины

    //содержит названия вершин, к которым исходят дуги из данной вершины
    public List<string> neighbours = new List<string>();
    //считывание строки
    public Node(string parse)
        char[] separators =
        string[] parseResult = parse.Split(separators);
        name = parseResult[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < parseResult.Length; i++)

    // выводит название вершины
    public void print()
        if (neighbours.Count == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("- Вершина " + name + " не имеет исходящих дуг.");

        Console.WriteLine("-Вершина " + name + ":");
        Console.WriteLine("Исходящие дуги:");
        foreach (var i in neighbours)
            Console.WriteLine("" + name + "-> " + i + "");

    /** добавляет в список вершин-"соседей"
     * вершину с заданным именем
    public void addEdge(string newEdge)

    /** удаляет из списка вершин-"соседей"
     * все вхождения deletedEdge
    public void deleteEdge(string deletedEdge)
        while (neighbours.Remove(deletedEdge)) ;

    public void deleteEdge(int deletedEdge)
        for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.Count; i++)
            if (int.Parse(neighbours[i]) == deletedEdge)
Author: Viktor Tomilov, 2017-11-27

1 answers

Depends on the type of adjacency list, the easiest way is if for N vertices it is represented by a matrix (two-dimensional array) of size NxN, where the weight of the edge is written in the row-column intersection, for example:


3 edges are described here: (1-2) weighing "7"; (2-3) weighing "5"; (3-4) weighing "8". "0" means that there is no edge between the vertices; the weights can be fractional or negative. This is how a weighted directed graph can be described, except in the case where there can be zero edge weight. -- you will have to invent another flag for the absence of an edge, for example, when writing to the file, put a non-numeric character, and when writing a program (in 2-dimensional.array of numbers) use a constant of type "NaN".

This is not a list of edges/vertices (there is only a table of adjacency) - you do not seem to have any additional tasks =)

Author: Alias, 2017-11-29 04:56:36