how to increment letters in php? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : increment letters in PHP? (3 responses) Closed there 3 years .

I need to make a program in php that increments a letter in the received name ex:

If the user enters precise letter B it turns it into a forward i.e. C.

Author: shelldude, 2017-07-04

3 answers

In php it is only possible to use the increment operator (++) in letters (the decrement operator -- does not apply) because it increments the ASCII code of the character the valid ranges are A-Z 65-90, a-z 97-122

Can generate the alphabet like this:

$alfabeto = range('A', 'Z');

$letra = 'B';
echo ++$letra; //imprime C
Author: rray, 2017-07-04 12:25:21

You can convert the character to ASCII, Increment +1 and convert it back to character:

echo ord("B"); //retorna 66
echo chr(ord("B")+1); //retorna "C"
Author: NilsonUehara, 2017-07-04 12:27:07

In an unorthodox way and XGH:

$letra = 'C';
$alfabeto = range('A', 'Z');

$proxima = $alfabeto[array_search($letra, $alfabeto) +1]; 

var_dump($proxima); // string(1) "D"
Author: Marcelo de Andrade, 2017-07-04 12:46:02