How to insert an image inside a CSS file?

I use a program here in the company that in its web module it has its logo inserted directly in CSS something like:

#logo img{
  background-image: 'data|base64=acSs....';

How do I create this kind of background myself?

Author: AndersonBS, 2013-12-13

2 answers

This construct is called data URI, it is a way to embed data into a web page as if it were external resources.

Follows the format:


Example :


In the example image/png is the MIME-type; the charset has been omitted; and finally base64 indicates that the content is encoded in (Guess) base 64.

If omitted the ;base64 ASCII encoding is assumed. if I'm not mistaken these are the only encodings allowable.


Author: talles, 2013-12-13 20:02:39

There are sites to do this type of encoding.

An Example: /

I think it's worth mentioning a post in Stackoverflow on whether or not it is a good idea to insert a base64 encoded image.

Author: Sergio, 2017-05-23 12:37:26