How to install Numpy via Pip windows 7 64 bit [closed]

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Good afternoon how do I install Numpy via pip. I downloaded Python 2.7.13 and do not know how to install via pip.

Author: RibeiroMateus, 2017-06-02

2 answers

Just run pip install numpy. Have you tried that? if it doesn't work, paste the error message.

To advance the possible errors a little:

  • if the message says that the pip is not installed, but you are sure that it already is, add it to the environment variables (right click on my computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > environment variables > new... > paste the path of pip.

On my computer it is located on that Path: C:\Python27\Scripts.

  • if pip is not installed, enter the link, download the file and run it using python
Author: Gabriel Belini, 2017-06-02 16:03:40

Interesting is also to install Python (x, y) ( ) who comes with all the numerical libraries already installed in addition to several other important tools for numerical, scientific, engineering and statistical calculation.

In Python page (x,y) has other important definitions: /

Author: ed1rac, 2017-06-02 16:01:32