How to know if the video is copyrighted through youtube api [closed]

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Is there a way through json to find out if a certain video is copyrighted by the YouTube api?

Author: denis, 2016-05-17

1 answers


In the Youtube data API (v3) documentation itself, there is a property of value boolean returned in the Json called contentDetails.licensedContent which shows whether a Youtube content partner has claimed their copyright rights or not over the content, as you can see in the image below.

insert the description of the image here

In addition, as an additional response, there is also a property called status.rejectionReason which returns a string, whose value aims to explain "why YouTube rejected a uploaded video" ( this according to the same documentation). If the upload is not possible due to the implication of copyright the value returned in the string will be " copyright".

These are the values of the possible rejection causes that can be returned by this property:

  • claim
  • copyright
  • duplicate
  • inappropriate
  • length
  • termsOfUse
  • trademark

Note: this property in turn will only be available if the property uploadStatus indicates that the submission was actually rejected, i.e. if the value of the String returned in it is equal to " rejected".

Author: Rafael Kendrik, 2016-06-10 01:55:28