How to list the data in an SQL query grouped by order of presentation of the data

I would like to know if there is a way to group records by the order of presentation of the search. Let's say I have a table of two fields Local (mapped place), Time (date and time). Place was filled in the same place then in three different times, then I have new places and back to the same place:

Recife   - 2016-08-15 13:59:44
Recife   - 2016-08-15 14:30:44
Recife   - 2016-08-15 15:59:44
SãoPaulo - 2016-08-15 19:00:00
Recife   - 2016-08-15 20:59:44

In this grouping would appear three result Lines:

Recife   - 3
SãoPaulo - 1
Recife   - 1

Is there such a possibility?

Author: Fabricio, 2016-08-15

2 answers

If so, SQL Server, we can group using the syntax:

SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name;

To use the command GROUP BY it is necessary provider an aggregation function, that is, speak to SQL Server, as it should aggregate the fields that are equal when grouping.


Suppose a table as below:

insert the description of the image here

Now I want to group The Column aliq_ipi, we will do:

select aliq_ipi, count(ncm) from Ncm Group By aliq_ipi

insert the description of the image here


Foi grouped the column aliq_ipi by counting the column ncm, that is, all ncm that have the value of the column aliq_ipi equal are grouped.

For your case we can do:

SELECT cidade, count(data) FROM nomedatabela GROUP BY cidade
Author: Thomas Erich Pimentel, 2016-08-15 19:53:01

One way to do this would be a course, with temporary tables to store the data from your physical table, this would look like this;

declare @municipios table
  municipio varchar(100),
  data datetime

declare @municipios_teste table
  municipio varchar(100),
  total int

insert into @municipios values 
('Recife','2016-08-15 13:59:44'),
('Recife','2016-08-15 14:30:44'),
('Recife','2016-08-15 15:59:44'),
('SãoPaulo','2016-08-15 19:00:00'),
('Recife','2016-08-15 20:59:44')

declare @municipio varchar(100) ,@municipioold varchar(100) = '', @data datetime, @contador int = 0

select * from @municipios

OPEN _cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM _cursor INTO @municipio  , @data


    if(@contador = 0 or @municipioold = @municipio)
         if(@contador = 0)
            set @contador = 1;
            set @contador += 1;

         set @municipioold = @municipio;

         delete @municipios_teste 
         where municipio = @municipio
         and total = @contador - 1;

         insert into @municipios_teste
         SELECT @municipio, @contador
        set @municipioold = @municipio;
        set @contador = 1;

        insert into @municipios_teste
        SELECT @municipio, @contador
    FETCH NEXT FROM _cursor INTO @municipio, @data  

CLOSE _cursor  
DEALLOCATE _cursor  

select * from @municipios_teste

insert the description of the image here

Author: Marco Souza, 2016-08-15 20:06:53