How to make a flowchart correctly?

I'm learning how to make a flowchart. I train on the "cats". I took the usual authorization page, the essence of what, the program first checks the username and password for the presence, then for the correctness of the input(no spaces, for example), if everything is OK-exit from the scheme. Did I compose it correctly? If not, how should it look right in this case?enter a description of the image here

Author: narem, 2019-07-08

1 answers

So. Well, let's try to figure it out, just remembering the work of all sorts of familiar sites.

  1. A purely decorative remark. The "Start" block has no inputs, so the return arrows should not go to it, but to the arrow coming out of it or to the block below it.

  2. You have checks, but no input blocks. Before the data entry checks, there should be blocks for entering this data. Alas, I can't draw them, I write from my phone.

  3. If not if you entered a password, then you do not need to go back to the beginning, go back to the password entry block. Either output the message "Username and password are incorrect", reset both and enter a new one.

  4. If both are entered, then everything is generally correct. Only: You check the correctness of the input. This is logical, but you forget another check, which should be the last one: the username and password match, and then, if everything is in order, the access grant block. Or, if they don't match, a refund to enter your username and password.

I have described to you a fairly detailed version of the flowchart, in accordance with your version of its construction. But do not forget: the degree of detail of the flowchart depends on what task you are solving. If you develop a flowchart of the service as a whole, then your entire current flowchart will be just one square in such a task.

Author: Юрий Козлов, 2019-07-08 22:24:15