How to make Hibernate "realize" that the value of a column was set by the database

My Table in the database has a column that is automatically populated by the database itself.

This table is mapped as a class annotated with @ Entity, called EntidadeA. The column that is autofilled is mapped to a property annotated with @Column, called prop1.

When running EntityManager.persist(objeto), with the property prop1 = null, hibernate runs a INSERT INTO tb... (coluna_prop1, ...) values (NULL, ...) in the database. At this point the database sets a YYY value in the column_prop1.

Question: How to make hibernate reread from the database, immediately after persist, the value of a column?

Note: I currently run EntityManager.refresh(objeto) right after persist() --- it works, but this makes hibernate reread all database properties (ie. inefficient).

Author: uaiHebert, 2014-02-17

2 answers

Hibernate has a proprietary annotation to handle generated values, @Generated. It is little known, but it does exactly what you want (official documentation).

// Valores gerados tanto em inserts quanto updates
@Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
private String propriedade1;

// Valores gerados apenas em inserts
@Column(insertable = false)
private String propriedade2;
Author: Anthony Accioly, 2014-02-17 18:58:37

JPA / Hibernate only maps every change that goes through it.

When making any change via database Hibernate is not aware that there has been this change.

In fact, I advise you to be very careful with this as it is a bad practice.

If you do not always refresh the entity another user may be left with the outdated version of the object which could cause data inconsistency.

Solutions would be:

  1. no let the database change the value, but put that logic in your project
  2. refresh the entity to fetch the correct value
Author: uaiHebert, 2014-02-17 18:28:32