How to make it work.htaccess in Laravel?


I want to put the admin panel of the project in a separate folder. It will be on laravel.

If the site has this structure: Laravel files) Then .htaccess in the admin folder does not work.

If this is the case: Laravel files) - works.

You can tell me .htaccess which will solve the problem for the first case?

Himself .htaccess is the most default, for removing public from the url.

 <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1 [L]

That is, the address :, I need to shorten to:

Author: sasha_t, 2016-09-30

1 answers

If someone does not know how to properly use Google and stackoverflow, then, for them, the answer is simple:

Rename it server.php in index.php, and take .htaccess from the public folder. That is all.

The problem with styles is solved like this:

Update the method in: /Illuminate/Routing/UrlGenerator. php/asset()

 public function asset($path, $secure = null)
   if ($this->isValidUrl($path)) return $path;
   $root = $this->getRootUrl($this->getScheme($secure));
   return $this->removeIndex($root).'/public/'.trim($path, '/');

Source: Laravel 5-Remove public from URL

Author: sasha_t, 2017-05-23 12:39:08