How to make my script run with two clicks a command that contains sudo?

I have a very simple script, similar to this:

#Seleciono o diretório onde se encontra o arquivo para execução 
cd '/home/vmi/Área de Trabalho/TesteComandosNoLinux'
#Executo meu software
mono my-program.exe

I have found that I need my software to run as administrator for some functionality to work properly.

This script is run with two clicks to make it as user friendly as possible.

I'd like to keep running with two clicks, but I couldn't create (or find a script) like that.

Author: Thiago Soares Mota, 2019-11-20

2 answers

Hello! Change the group of your bash to sudo. Doing so will run with administrator powers. In Linux Mint for example it is possible to right-click and properties, in the "Permissions" tab. If you prefer via command:

Chown [options] [new_owner] [: new_group] file

Example (in terminal):

Chown valmor: sudo

Will change the properties. If you need powers remember to use sudo to apply change

Sudo Chown valmor: sudo

Author: Valmor Flores, 2019-11-22 21:16:52

What I did was edit the file/etc / sudoers

Add at the end of the file:

user ALL=(ALL) ALL user ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:path/do/ user ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:path/do/mono user ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:path/do/meu/executável

The user password is required for my script to run with ./ does not happen when the script runs with sudo ./, but I did not find an equivalent way to do sudo ./ with two clicks.

The resolution was to create a script that calls my script that does not need a password when executing the command sudo.

cd '/home/vmi/Área de Trabalho/MinhaPasta'
sudo :

sudo mono my-program.exe
Author: Thiago Soares Mota, 2019-11-27 16:56:30