How to make your program reliable-Windows Security

I finished a step of a program and we will start to put into production, however, when running the program is always displayed the message below:

insert the description of the image here

What should I do, to make my program Reliable? and stop displaying this message?

Note: I don't want to disable Windows UCA.

Author: Thomas Erich Pimentel, 2017-03-31

1 answers

Hello. I went through a similar problem with AVAST. I made a digital certificate to sign my code through Certsign:


To use this certificate is very simple, when you enter the publishing part of your software, you will see a publishing screen will have a tab:


On this screen you can place the digital certificate and sign your code.Code signing example

After I did this, I never had any problems with AVAST or Windows Security again.

Author: Marcio Krul, 2017-08-01 01:59:34