How to manufacture a preloader-prerender?

I am using AngularJS, and I need to know if there is any plugin that meets the same effect or similar to this one (in the example it is a preloader-prerender for react:

AngularJS, has an event called ng-cloak, which hides elements before finishing rendering on the screen, which doesn't do exactly the same effect, but I don't know how I could do this effect of pre-rendering the elements... and if it does not exist a plugin that meets that Effect, How could I fabricate that event in a way that does that same effect?

Currently, This is the way I do today:

$scope.preloader = true;
$scope.users = [];

   if(data.status) {
     $scope.users = data.users;



<div class="container-user-list">
   <div class="preloader" ng-show="preloader"><img src="/img/preloder.gif" border="0"></div> 
    <ul ng-show="users.length > 0 && !preloader">
       <li ng-repeat="user in users">
           {{}} - {{}} <button ng-click="editUser(user)">Editar</button>
Author: Ivan Ferrer, 2020-08-05