How to merge two tables into one when getting the sqlalchemy result

There are two tables in the first table ID and several other fields, in the other table VALUE_ID and several other fields

How to combine them with a query when issuing one for the fields ID and VALUE_ID (1 with 1, 2 with 2 ... 55 with 55 ...) and filter them (using the fields of both tables)

It is not possible to connect the connection, the tables are deleted and I unload them using metadata

Currently implemented so:

query = Session.query(bx_uf).outerjoin(bx, (bx.c.ID == bx_uf.c.VALUE_ID))

But when filtering by ID, or the fields of the table bx_uf outputs only its fields, the table bx does not join the output values

Author: Василий, 2020-12-01