How to navigate ionic tabs

Hello! I created the tabs in my html Ionic and want when you click open the destination page, the tabs appear right but clicking only changes the icons to active and does not arrow the page, my code is like this no home.html

      <ion-tab [root]="homeRoot" tabTitle="Chat" tabIcon="information-
      <ion-tab [root]="listroot" tabTitle="Chat" tabIcon="information-

Code no home.ts

 export class HomePage {

 homeRoot = ChatPage
 listroot = ListPage

 constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {} }
Author: Juliano Souza, 2018-01-10

1 answers

Name The Tab

<ion-tabs #myTabs>

@ViewChild('myTabs') tabRef: Tabs;; //1 é o índice da tab
Author: i9on i9on, 2018-07-18 18:19:00