How to predict multiple statistical models generated in R in Power BI?

I trained several models in R, like these:

iris2 <- data.frame(zzz= sample(c(0, 1),size =  length(iris$Sepal.Length), replace = TRUE), iris)
for (i in unique(iris$Species)) {
  saveRDS(glm(zzz ~ Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length+Petal.Width, data =  iris2[iris2$Species == i,]),
  file = paste0("model_", i))

Now I need to put these RDS In Power BI to perform predict() in a script inside the PB, however the PB does not accept lists.

I had no success with the solution:

Author: Márcio Mocellin, 2019-09-24