How to programmatically disable the cooler on the case? [closed]

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On the case there is a cooler, at 5400 rpm. As you know, the noise is not enough. It is connected directly to the power supply and to the material.
How to programmatically DISABLE the cooler, and when required-enable?

PS The SpeedFan program does not work. I need to turn off the cooler, and when I need to turn it on, and SpeesFan only reduces the speed. If I'm wrong, please correct me!


Author: ВладиславМСК, 2013-01-17

3 answers

Just solder it to 5 volts and it will work very quietly. From the power supply unit there are 4 wires: two in the middle are cons, and the two extreme ones are 12, and the other is 5 volts. Calculate this then bite off the plus wiring from the cooler (in half) to grow the wiring and attach it to the 5-volt output. I made myself so all the coolers.

Author: prostolinux, 2013-01-19 08:46:19

Wherever the cooler is turned on, it has only one power wire. Turning off the cooler, as well as the speed of the revolutions, is easiest to ensure with the help of a variable resistor with a switch. At one time, Zalman sold coolers with resistors in the kit (for the option - less noisy).
So, this is the most optimal option.

Author: Justicet, 2013-11-06 14:10:04

How is the cooler connected? In the motherboard or roughly, in 5 volts from the PSU? In the latter case, nothing will work! But if the motherboard, yes, three or four wires - then it is configured in the BIOS Setup.

Author: Anton Reshin, 2013-10-18 00:26:49