How to put a text on pygame screen?

I was trying to put a text inside a pygame screen at a specific coordinate, what can I do to print a text and restrict its area?

    import sys, pygame

    size = width, height = 800, 600
    speed = [0, 0]
    black = 0, 0, 0

    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)

    fundo = pygame.image.load("baner.jpg")
    dialogo = pygame.image.load("dialogo.png")
    estatico = fundo.get_rect()

    while 1:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()

        estatico = estatico.move(speed)
        if estatico.left < 0 or estatico.right > width:
            speed[0] = -speed[0]
        if < 0 or estatico.bottom > height:
            speed[1] = -speed[1]

        screen.blit(fundo, estatico)
        screen.blit(dialogo, estatico)

This is what I have so far, two images and wanted to put a text on top of the dialoginsert the description of the image here

Author: Hugo Amorim, 2019-09-13

1 answers

from pygame import font

txt='hello world'                                 ##### armazena o texto
pygame.font.init()                                ##### inicia font
fonte=pygame.font.get_default_font()              ##### carrega com a fonte padrão
fontesys=pygame.font.SysFont(fonte, 60)           ##### usa a fonte padrão
txttela = fontesys.render(txt, 1, (255,255,255))  ##### renderiza o texto na cor desejada
screen.blit(txttela,(50,900)                      ##### coloca na posição 50,900 (tela FHD)
pygame.display.update()                           ##### CARREGA A TELA E EXIBE
Author: RODINEY TAKARA, 2020-02-26 00:32:48