How to put an @ inside {} in MVC

When making a page in MVC5 with Razor, I put the following code

   {--conteúdo da @ RenderBody() etc, etc }

Generated an error because @ is inside keys


Server Error in '/' Application.

Parser Error

Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. 

Parser Error Message: A space or line break was encountered after the "@" character.  Only valid identifiers, keywords, comments, "(" and "{" are valid at the start of a code block and they must occur immediately following "@" with no space in between.

Source Error: 

Line 74:         </aside>
Line 75:         <!-- PAINEL PRINCIPAL -->
Line 76: {--conteúdo da @ RenderBody()
Line 77:         <div id="main">     
Line 78:             <div id="ribbon">

Source File: /Views/Home/padroes_layout.cshtml    Line: 76 

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.34009

How to place the arroba inside? and if I want to write @RenderBody() has no how?

Author: Dorathoto, 2014-04-30

2 answers

Alternative 1

Just type the duplicate Symbol: @@.

This will be turning into just one @ in the output.

In short, correlating with your question, to write "@RenderBody()" to the output of a razor view, just write like this:


Alternative 2

Another option, which may be useful in other cases, is to have razor render an object, which can be anything, including the string "@RenderBody()":

Author: Miguel Angelo, 2014-04-30 18:52:45

Using ( @ ) in Razor

"the special character @ starts an expression, a block with a single statement or several, for example, we can insert a Razor code directly into the HTML markup, using the character @ to start a condition expression or present the contents of a variable."(Alexandre Tadashi Sato, introduction to ASP.NET Razor. Available>, accessed April 30 2014)

How to use:

declaring and using variables

    var texto = "Mostrar um Texto";
    var ativo = false;

with if / else

@if (ativo){
    <div>Está ativo</div>
} else {
    <div>Não está ativo</div>

Com for

@for(var a = 0; a <= 5; a++) 
   <p>Imprimir número: @a</p> 

With While

 var cont = 0;

@while (cont < 100){

On the question

The RenderBody means that the page will be rendered here, it already has a functionality and I do not see the need to print the text in this way, since razor demonstrates other forms as mentioned above.




not working

@{ @@RenderBody(); }

works as an on-screen text discaraterizing such functionality



Author: , 2014-05-08 02:19:22