How to read DBF generated in Protheus in Visual Fox Pro?

I generated a DBF in Protheus and am having difficulty opening the file in Visual FoxPro as it does not recognize the file by returning the message:

File.DBF is not a table.

Has anyone been through this or know which version of DBF that Protheus and Visual FoxPro work?

Thank you.

Author: Taisbevalle, 2016-09-09

3 answers

How did you generate this in Protheus?

The DBF it generates opens normally in Excel for example.

The file you generated is corrupted, or Visual FoxPro is without the correct drivers.

Ha remember that if the DBF has memo fields, you need to copy the FPT to the DBF.

Author: KillerAll, 2017-01-30 12:18:11

The format used by a DBF file can be identified by opening the file with a hexadecimal viewer by checking the hexadecimal value of the first byte of the file. The formats used in Protheus are:

  • 0x03 (No memo field) FO FoxBASE + / dBase III plus compatible
  • 0xF5 ( memo field with auxiliary file in format .fpt ) FO FoxPro 2.x (or earlier)

For a complete list of other formats, see the link dBASE Table File Format (DBF)

Author: siga0984, 2019-03-02 04:27:26

When you created your DBF in Protheus, you must have created another file with an extension .vfp this should be together in VisualFoxPro, see the Discussion:

Author: Eduardo Pessoa, 2017-02-24 19:36:53