How to read / translate the yield keyword?

I am studying about the keyword Yield in C#, and I have this doubt: how to read this word in Portuguese (structured?). Would it be something like "return the current value of the enumerator"? Wouldn't it have a one-word translation? If you can give an example it would be good!

Note that my question is not exactly about how Yield works, but a good way to translate it into Portuguese.

Author: mgibsonbr, 2015-03-09

1 answers

A good translation for the word yield would be produces, as said by user @onosendai in the comments.

Other possible translations:

  • delivery;
  • Gera;
  • harvest; (by @jean)
  • pigtail; (by @jean)
Author: mutlei, 2015-03-11 12:37:09