How to remotely uninstall software from multiple PCs using Active Directory

How do I delete programs remotely on multiple (~200) PCs at once?

List of programs: Adobe Acrobat XI, WinRAR, Adobe Photoshop CS6, etc.

Client machines: Windows software 7, 8, 8,1, 10.

Active Directory is available to me.

Author: mymedia, 2017-10-25

1 answers

If these programs were installed via GPO

You can delete them through the same policy. To do this, go to the policy editor, expand the branch of the desired configuration Computer configuration\Policies\Software settings\Software instalation.

We find the necessary software there and make sure that in its properties on the Развертывание (Deployment) tab there is a check box Удалять это приложение, если его использование выходит за рамки, допустимые политикой управления (Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management) if not, we put it.

Next, exit the properties, right - click on the application All tasks (All tasks) -> Remove (Remove). In the window that opens, select Немедленное удаление этого приложения с компьютеров всех пользователей (Immediately uninstall the software from users and computers).

If not via GPO

First option:

We find the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall on the target PCs, there is a list of installed programs of the local machine. And there are directives called UninstallString of something like this MsiExec.exe /I{идентификатор} this is just the command that you need to run to remove a specific software. You need to find out these commands for each software that you want to remove, in theory, they do not differ from the same version of the software.

Second option:

Use the built-in uninstallers. They usually lie in C:\Program Files\Имя софта\uninstall.exe, but for them you need to look for the keys of the "silent start", so that it works without dialog boxes.

The third option:

Just "google" the UninstallString for each software. They are often written in the official documentation, as well as on forums on the topic.

Next, you need to write a script that executes the found commands in powershell or vba and hang it on netlogon. Something like this, but with your launch lines:

Set objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next 
objWshShell.Run "msiexec.exe /X{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} /qn", 1, True

Next, put the script file in a readable network folder.

Create a new policy, go to the Conputer configuration\Windows settiong\Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) branch and add it there.

Apply the policy to the target computers.

Author: Talleyran, 2017-10-26 07:40:24