How to set the version of a software?

I would like to know what the number of software versions are and how they work, such as v1.1.2 What does it mean ? Are there any standards or recommendations for web application versions ?

Author: Lucas Fontes Gaspareto, 2015-12-03

3 answers

I would like to know what the number of software versions are and how they work, such as v1.1.2 What does it mean?

According to Semantic Versioning :

  • the first number indicates that the system has changes that make it incompatible with previous versions;
  • the second number indicates that the system has backward-compatible changes, within the first number;
  • the third number indicates that the system it has minor changes, such as bug fixes and features that do not impair backward compatibility.

Optionally, a fourth number is defined, called a release. Indicates the current build number of that code, within a scope of modifications.

Are there any standards or recommendations for web application versions?

Semantic versioning can be used. Some other systems use a number of versioning formed by the release date. This is adopted when modifications are frequent (not to say daily) and that it is not worth taking into account a semantic approach.


  • Ano.Mes.Dia.Build;
  • Ano.Mes.Dia.Estado. State can be Alpha, Beta, dev, stable, etc.;
  • Ano.Mes.Major.Minor.Fix (can also have the state or release at the end);

Each team ends up inventing its format. These are some that I have seen and used.

Author: Leonel Sanches da Silva, 2015-12-03 22:04:08

There is no pattern. Each project adopts what suits it best, so the explanation of what each number (if any numbers are used) means should be provided by the project itself.

What is recommended is semantic versioning. Even setting some rules, they are subjective. This has already been answered in another question (I will not repeat here what has been answered before).

And there is a question in Software Engineering with some possible patterns to adopt. There are" answers " of mine there and several other examples like you can use creativity and you can't rely on intuition to determine what the numbers represent.

Author: Maniero, 2019-11-01 14:04:08

Usually each company defines its versioning methodology. A fairly common standard used in the market is the following: VERSION. RELEASE. Revision

Version: a version number is added If the project is an evolution.

RELEASE: a number is added to the RELEASE if the project is an improvement (e.g. deletion or inclusion of new features).

Revision: add a number to the revision if the project is a feature fix already available.

Author: Eric, 2016-03-15 13:54:32