How to specify a blank in AWS CLI S3?

I use PowerShell or CMD to run a command on AWS CLI S3, the command I run is this:

aws s3 cp s3://repositorioimagens/ampliacao/BR/1022-IKON IMAGES/STOCK239/ . --recursive

The problem is that when I have a folder with white space somewhere I get the error

Unknown options: .

Because it understands that I have finished a part of the command and I am setting it up (just as it happens after /STOCK239/ that I put the . --recursive).

How to explain to the CLI that I want a blank in1022-IKON IMAGES > 1022-IKON(ESPAÇO EM BRANCO)IMAGES

Author: Leonardo Bonetti, 2019-02-06

1 answers

You need to put the entire string in double quotes"".

Aws S3 cp " s3: / / repositorioimagens / ampliacao / BR / 1022-IKON IMAGES /STOCK239/". -- recursive

Author: Henrique Moraes, 2019-02-19 16:45:48