How to transform source code into digital hash summary? [closed]

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For registration of a software, it is requested:

  • perform transformation of technical documentation (source code) into digital summary hash;

The INPI documentation also states: [...] The hash abstract is a fixed-length text containing letters and numbers, which must be copied and pasted into the corresponding field of the electronic form [...]

How do I generate this?

Author: Victor Stafusa, 2018-04-26

1 answers

I had the same doubts as you when registering one of the company's systems here. I will share here the way I found to create the digital hash summary.

1) I went to our code repository and downloaded a copy of the repository,

2) I went to the Mac terminal, went to the place where the compressed file was and ran the following command: shasum -a 512

3) I copied the generated key and reported it on the INPI website.

OBS: the command shasum -a 512 generated me one encryption SHA-512, but you can opt for other encryptions, just take a look at the command's help.

Author: Rodolfo Faquin, 2019-01-12 19:41:29