What can knowledge of Perl give me and what is it good for?

I think I'll start learning Perl. Something I liked about him. But I think-is it worth it or not? So I decided to ask the knowledgeable people. What is the Perl language good for and what can I get from knowing it?

Author: Alexey Emelyanenko, 2011-07-23

3 answers

Yes, a lot of things. First, and most importantly, it will shake the brain, perl is very versatile and its tmtowtdi ideology makes the brain move very actively. Secondly, it is no worse than the followers, and in some places even cooler. Third, good Perl coders are valued very well. If there are a lot of pcp coders now, then you can't find a good Perl programmer during the day with fire.

Perl itself does not lose in anything, do not listen to the "syntax complexity", "impossible to read", "garbage code", it's all not so. In any language, you can write garbage, plus Perl is that it condescendingly allows this garbage to work as usual.

In terms of speed, in the overall standings, the only competitor is python. In terms of technology, Perl has never lagged behind, CPAN contains a million different modules for all occasions. Now Perl is experiencing a rebirth as a web language, really modern web frameworks are developing very actively, look at Mojolicious and Dancer, for example, and you will never want to see pcp, and sometimes python, and it is no more complicated than RoR, but faster and more powerful.

In addition, one of the main applications of Perl is system tasks, "one-liners" today is the most powerful tool that other languages do not have (at this level).

Author: KneLL, 2011-07-23 12:54:16

Learning an additional language can give you:

  • an additional item in the employment resume that you will present to the employer,
  • extension of the tools that you can use to solve work tasks,
  • expanding your horizons by familiarizing yourself with all the techniques of the language,

Perl itself is a scripting language, mainly used for automating system administration tasks. If in the future you plan to somehow work in the this area, then learning the language for the future will not hurt, and if you do not plan, it is better to learn something more urgently useful.

Author: Nicolas Chabanovsky, 2011-07-23 13:09:08
  • The ability to write programs on it. As a rule, web applications and scripts are written in perl to automate almost anything. Although in theory you can write games for Windows, but for this purpose usually use C++.
  • Get a job where knowledge of Perl is required. New vacancies regularly appear on the hh.ru.
  • Become a more experienced programmer and generally pump your brains
Author: Aleksander Alekseev, 2011-07-23 13:53:03