How to translate wordpress error message

Hello, Good Morning! I am having a problem and I am not finding the variable to be able to solve, I have a site in WP and when it tries to log in and neither the password nor the email exist it returns me the error message: ERROR: the username or password you entered is incorrect. Lost your password? I tried to locate this phrase in wp-login.php but I did not find it there, could you help me? Obs.: I tried to use loco translate but he doesn't find that phrase!

Edit do test that I am trying to make the messages appear only on the login page.


function erroLogin(){
add_filter( 'login_errors', 'rs_custom_login_error' );
function rs_custom_login_error(){
    return $error = "Informações não existem ou estão erradas!";


<?php if ( is_page( 'login' ) ) { ?>
<?php erroLogin(); ?>
<?php } ?>

And I tried that other way too.


<?php if ( is_page( 'login' ) ) { ?>
add_filter( 'login_errors', 'rs_custom_login_error' );
    function rs_custom_login_error(){
        return $error = "Informações não existem ou estão erradas!";

But it hasn't worked out yet

Author: Fernando, 2017-12-05

3 answers

Searches your theme for the file functions.php then puts this snippet

add_filter( 'login_errors', 'rs_custom_login_error' );
 * @desc    Filtro da mensagem de erro do admin do WP
function rs_custom_login_error(){
    return $error = "Sua mensagem de erro vai aqui";

Here are other snippet options that you can use to customize this message.

Author: hugocsl, 2017-12-05 14:24:24

Option direct by admin area. Access A functions.php as picture insert the description of the image here

Then put this code and an update file

add_filter('login_errors', create_function('$no_login_error', 'return "The user name and password is incorrect."'));

If it still doesn't work, paste this code into the file. The first is for the new message, and the second to hide the default message

function login_error_override()
    return 'The user name and password is incorrect.';
add_filter('login_errors', 'login_error_override');

add_filter('login_errors', create_function('$a', 'return null;'));

Reference source: /

Author: hugocsl, 2017-12-05 14:38:16

I managed to solve my problem, follow the code in case someone needs this solution:


    function login_error_message($error){
        //check if that's the error you are looking for
        $pos = strpos($error, 'incorrect');
        if (is_int($pos)) {
            //its the right error so you can overwrite it
            $error = "Um ou mais campo estão em branco ou dados não existem!";
        return $error;

Source from which I found the answer:

Author: Fernando, 2017-12-06 18:47:25