How to turn an int (number) into a char (string) in C

I'm trying to move an int (number) to a char (string). I use the following code:

int adcResult = 333;

char h = (char)adcResult;
char h1 = (char)ADC1BUF0;
сhar h2= itoa(adcResult);

puts_lcd( h2   ,3); // из за этой строки не собирается ошибки пишет ;_;

void puts_lcd( unsigned char *data, unsigned char count ) 
    while ( count )
        lcd_data( *data++ );
        count --;

But it displays a complete nonsense on the debug board screen(Explorer 16).

The #include <iostream.h> library is not supported. Due to the fact that the program is written in MPLAB for a microcontroller of the dsPIC33 family (for some reason it does not support this library).

Author: timob256, 2018-08-08

1 answers

Function itoa.

First parameter: the number to be converted to a string (int)

The second parameter: a pointer to the string where the converted number should be written.

The third parameter: The number system used to translate the number

Using the itoa function in your case:

int adcResult = 333; // исходное число
char adcString[15];  // буфер, в которую запишем число
itoa(adcResult, adcString, 10); // вместо третьего параметра
                                // можете написать нужное вам значение
                                // например перевести в 16-ричную с.счисления

puts_lcd it should be called as follows:

puts_lcd(adcString, strlen(adcString));
Author: acade, 2018-08-08 13:53:56