How to use % in Portugol [closed]

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I have the following question:

Write an algorithm that calculates the salary of a worker. The user will be prompted for the hour value worked, number of hours and the % discount from INSS. At the end, print the net salary of the worker.

Author: Maniero, 2017-05-31

2 answers

In any mathematical calculation to use the "percentage" just follow the logic of multiplying the desired value by the number of the percentage divided by 100.

Example: 15% of 200,00:
200 * (15 / 100) 200 * 0,15 30,00

Can be applied to any language.

Author: Leonardo Paim, 2017-05-31 12:12:12

Same in any other language. Equal alias in mathematics.

liquido <- valorTotal * (100 - descontoInss) / 100
Author: Maniero, 2017-05-31 05:18:07