How to use plural with String Resources?

For internationalization, Android uses String Resources. How can I take advantage of this feature to use the plural in such a way as to avoid "gambiarras" with multiple if's?


<string name="friends_none">Você não tem amigos ainda</string>
<string name="friends_one">Você tem 1 amigo</string>
<string name="friends_plural">Você tem %1$d amigos</string>
if (friends == 1) {
    text = getString(R.string.friends_one);
} else if (friends > 1) {
    text = getString(R.string.friends_plural, friends);
} else {
    text = getString(R.string.friends_none);
Author: Rafael Tavares, 2020-05-21

1 answers

For this specific situation, the android framework provides a feature called "Quantity Strings".

  1. Create a file within the res/values directory with any name. Example: res/values/strings_plurais.xml

  2. This file needs to have the root tag resources, and inside it you put the tag plurals.

  3. Inside the tag plurals put an attribute name to identify it. Example: name="respostas_corretas".

  4. To create the string, create a tag item, and place an attribute quantity. Example: quantity="one" (for singular) or quantity="other" (for plural).

  5. Then, inside the item tag, you put the string to be used in the layout. Example: <item quantity="one">Pontuação: %d ponto.</item>

The file .Final XML should look like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <plurals name="respostas_corretas">
            <item quantity="one">Pontuação: %d ponto.</item>
            <item quantity="other">Pontuação: %d pontos.</item>

Now in Java source code, the string can be obtained this way:

    // Chamando numeroRespostasCorretas() para obter o número de respostas corretas
    int nRespostasCorretas = numeroRespostasCorretas();
    // Obtendo a referência de Resources
    Resources resources = getResources();
    // Chame o getQuantityString() e passe como paramêtros o ID do plurals criado e passe a variável a ser formatada duas vezes (uma para o formatador e outra para o framework determinar, baseada na variável, se é singular ou plural)
    String respostasCorretas = resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.respostas_corretas, nRespostasCorretas, nRespostasCorretas);

In Kotlin the same way:

  val nRespostasCorretas = numeroRespostasCorretas()
  val respostasCorretas = resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.respostas_corretas, 
  nRespostasCorretas , nRespostasCorretas)

For more information on this topic and about string resources on Android:

Author: mathsemilio, 2020-05-22 01:03:27