How to validate an input?

I have a form that sends the values entered in the input to another page. I want to make a validation between the inputs, if one number is greater than another, and if it is not, do not go to the second page and warn with a alert.

This is my HTML Code:

<form action="_graphes.php" method="post"> 
  <input type="time" id="time_debut" name="time_debut" step="1" value=''>
  <input type="time" id="time_fin" name="time_fin" step="1" value='' >
  <input id=btn type=submit name=go value=ok>

Is a javascript:

if(document.getElementById("time_debut").value > document.getElementById("time_fin").value){
Author: Renan Gomes, 2015-01-12

3 answers

You can validate the form by following the example below, by supplementing I put the validation to check if one or both fields are empty:


<form action="_graphes.php" method="post" id="formulario"> 
    <input type="time" id="time_debut" name="time_debut" step="1" value="">
    <input type="time" id="time_fin" name="time_fin" step="1" value="" >
    <input id="btn" type="button" onclick="return envia()" name="go" value="ok">

The input 'btn' when clicked it calls the function envia() below, where the validation and sending of the form takes place.


function envia() {
        var time_debut = document.getElementById("time_debut").value;
        var time_fin = document.getElementById("time_fin").value;
        if(time_debut == '' || time_fin == '') {
            alert("Preencha todos os campos!");
        else if (time_debut > time_fin){
        else {

Js (without validating if Fields are empty)

function envia() {
            var time_debut = document.getElementById("time_debut").value;
            var time_fin = document.getElementById("time_fin").value;
            if (time_debut > time_fin){
            else {
Author: William Pereira, 2015-01-12 11:58:02

Try to do by putting submit only in javascript.

This is your HTML:

<form id="frm" action="_graphes.php" method="post"> 
  <input type="time" id="time_debut" name="time_debut" step="1" value=''>
  <input type="time" id="time_fin" name="time_fin" step="1" value='' >
  <input id="btn" type="button" onclick="javascript: btn_click()" name="go" value="ok">

Is a javascript:

function btn_click() {
    if (document.getElementById("time_debut").value > document.getElementById("time_fin").value) {
Author: Victor Stafusa, 2015-01-12 11:40:12

In the form tag, add a call to the form validation function.

<form action="_graphes.php" method="post" onsubmit="validar()"> 

The validation function will contain the code snippet you have already built:

function validar() {
    if(document.getElementById("time_debut").value > document.getElementById("time_fin").value) {
        return (false);
    else {
        return (true);

return(false) will cause the submission of the form to stop, and the next page will not be called.

Author: gulima, 2015-01-12 11:41:41