I can't access the property of the object. Laravel/Eloquent ORM

I can't access the properties of the related object. Well, I have a class called FileClass, it has the following relationship with the class FileServico:


public function fileServico(){
    return $this->hasMany('FileServico','id_file','id_file');


public function file(){
    return $this->belongsTo('FileClass','id_file','id_file');

In my controller I retrieve the values as follows:


public function getIndex(){
    $fileClass = FileClass::with(['FileServico'])->get();
    return View::make('home')->with('fileClass',$fileClass);

However, in the view I cannot access the objects of the relationship, below I list some ways to access that I tried:

@foreach($fileClass as $f)
    $f->id_servico; //Tentei assim
    $f->file_servico->id_servico //Tentei assim
    $f->fileServico->id_servico; //Assim também
    $f->id_servico //Assim também
    $f->fileServico['id_servico'] //Como array também
    $f->fileServico[0]['id_servico'] //Assim...

Understanding better, a file can have several file_servico, if I simply give a print_r() in $fileClass which is the object Q returns to view it does not view the related object, but if I give a print_r() in an object iterated with foreach and try to access its separate property, it normally accesses $f->fileServico.

Author: Ewerton Melo, 2014-06-05

3 answers

FileClass has a list of FileServico ($f->fileServico) in this case it cannot be accessed without a for or a foreach. If it were contrary to FileServico for FileClass ai would work out what you report in the question. Below is an example for lightening.

Suggesting a minimal example:

//Tabela fileclass
CREATE TABLE `fileclass` (
  `id_file` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `desc` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id_file`),
  UNIQUE KEY `id_file_UNIQUE` (`id_file`)
//Tabela fileservico
CREATE TABLE `fileservico` (
  `id_servico` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `id_file` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `desc` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id_servico`),
  KEY `id_file_key_idx` (`id_file`),
  CONSTRAINT `id_file_key` FOREIGN KEY (`id_file`) 
  REFERENCES `fileclass` (`id_file`) 

Given Examples

insert the description of the image here

insert the description of the image here


class FileClass extends Eloquent 
    public $table      = 'fileclass'; 
    public $primaryKey = 'id_file';
    public $timestamps = false;
    public function fileServico(){
        return $this->hasMany('FileServico','id_file','id_file');
class FileServico extends Eloquent {
    public $table      = 'fileservico'; 
    public $primaryKey = 'id_servico';
    public $timestamps = false;
    public function file(){
        return $this->belongsTo('FileClass','id_file','id_file');

Eloquent accessing relationship with with

$files = FileClass::with('FileServico')->get();
foreach ($files as $file) {
    echo $file->id_file.' '.$file->desc;
    echo '<br>';
    $servicos = $file->FileServico;         
    foreach ($servicos as $servico) 
        echo $servico->id_servico.' '.$servico->desc;
        echo '<br>';
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<br>';


select * from `fileclass`
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 )
select * from `fileservico` where `fileservico`.`id_file` in (?, ?)

//id_file = 1
1 File 1
   1 Servico1
   2 Servico2

//id_file = 2
2 File 2
  3 Servico3
Author: , 2014-07-05 20:59:46

Object returned if I go to $f - >fileServico, which is the relationship.

Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection Object
[items:protected] => Array
        [0] => FileServico Object
                [table:protected] => file_servico
                [fillable:protected] => Array
                        [0] => id_servico

                [rules:protected] => Array

                [primaryKey:protected] => id_file
                [connection:protected] => 
                [perPage:protected] => 15
                [incrementing] => 1
                [timestamps] => 1
                [attributes:protected] => Array
                        [id_servico] => 4
                        //Aqui ficam os campos da tabela...

                [original:protected] => Array
                        [id_servico] => 4
                        //Aqui ficam os campos da tabela...

                [relations:protected] => Array

                [hidden:protected] => Array

                [visible:protected] => Array

                [appends:protected] => Array

                [guarded:protected] => Array
                        [0] => *

                [dates:protected] => Array

                [touches:protected] => Array

                [observables:protected] => Array

                [with:protected] => Array

                [morphClass:protected] => 
                [exists] => 1



Author: Ewerton Melo, 2014-06-05 17:09:02

Access to protected property was not possible, so I had to make some modifications to be able to run. Well:

In the controller I made the inclusion of the toArray method, so it returns everything to me as array:

$fileClass = FileClass::with(['FileServico'])->get()->toArray();

Next, I retrieved in the view the values iterating with two foreach, see:

@foreach($fileClass as $file)
    @foreach($file['file_servico'] as $f)
            <td>{{ $f['id_servico'] }}</td>

Loses some of the elegance by not accessing as an object, but I got what I wanted, anyone who has another more practical means, would appreciate if I could share.

Author: Ewerton Melo, 2014-06-05 18:52:01