I can't add a smart pointer to the vector

There is a class MyClass, of course, with a constructor, you need to create a vector of smart pointers to objects of this class. The pointer itself is created, but an error occurs when trying to add it to the vector . What did I miss?

#include <memory>
#include  <vector>

using namespace std;
Int main()
    vector<unique_ptr<MyClass>> vectorPtr;
    unique_ptr<MyClass> p1(new MyClass);
    // до этого момента всё в порядке
    return 0;
Author: Akynin99, 2017-08-01

1 answers

std::unique_ptr it doesn't have a copy constructor, so to put it in a vector, you need to move it there:


Or so:


Or create it directly in the vector:

vectorPtr.emplace_back(new MyClass);
Author: ixSci, 2017-08-01 09:53:01