Identifying and marking SQL script keywords within a Word document [closed]

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I am making a system error manual for company where I work. Within this manual you will have the description of the error, as well as its solution. Many of the solutions are quite extensive SQL scripts.

I would like to know if it is possible to mark (leave Bold and other color) keywords only within the script area, such as: SELECT, UPDATE, *, FROM, WHERE.. etc.

As used in forums, dropbox pages, etc. It might be similar to something that is done right here in stackoverflow, ex:

SELECT * FROM teste;
Author: emanuelsn, 2015-12-11

1 answers

What you want is Syntax highlighting.

Using the notepad++ and the nppexport plugin you can do this.

First select the syntax you will use through the menu language " s " SQL .

Write your code and then to export to Word go to plugins "NppExport" Copy all formats to clipboard.

Then just paste into Word using the Ctrl + V

Author: Laerte, 2015-12-11 13:17:46