I am taking my first steps in Python, and I have a doubt in the IF/else sentence, trying to solve the following exercise:

" having as input data the height and sex of a person, construct an algorithm that calculates his ideal weight, using the following formulas:

For men: (72.7 * h) - 58

For women: (62.1*h) - 44.7 (h = height)

Ask for the person's weight and let them know if they are in, above or below the weight."

This was the logic used by me:

def main():

altura = float(input("Digite a altura do paciente: "))
sexo = input("Digite o sexo do paciente, H(Masculino) ou F(Feminino): ")

if sexo == H or sexo == h:
    peso = (72.7 * altura) - 58
    print ("O peso ideal do paciente é: ",peso)
    elif sexo == F or sexo == f:
        peso = (62.1 * altura) - 44.7
        print ("O peso ideal da paciente é: ",peso)
            print ("Sexo inválido")

pesopaciente = input("Digite o seu peso: ")

if pesopaciente < peso:
    print("Você está abaixo do peso ideal.")
    elif pesopaciente > peso:
        print("Você está acima do peso ideal.")
        print("Você está na média de peso.")


However, it returns the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "python", line 12

Elif sex = = F or sex = = f:


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Could you help me?


Author: Comunidade, 2016-10-04

2 answers

When you put sexo == H it understands that you are referring to the variable H. Put in quotation marks, like this: sexo == "H" or sexo == "h"

Also the indentation is all wrong. The contents of the function main are not indented, and elif and else must be in the same column as if.

Read this article:

Python indentation

I don't have python 3 with me to test, only 2.7... but I believe this code will work:

def main():
    altura = float(input("Digite a altura do paciente: "))
    sexo = input("Digite o sexo do paciente, H(Masculino) ou F(Feminino): ")

    if sexo == "H" or sexo == "h":
        peso = (72.7 * altura) - 58
        print ("O peso ideal do paciente é: ",peso)
    elif sexo == "F" or sexo == "f":
        peso = (62.1 * altura) - 44.7
        print ("O peso ideal da paciente é: ",peso)
        print ("Sexo inválido")

    pesopaciente = input("Digite o seu peso: ")

    if pesopaciente < peso:
        print("Você está abaixo do peso ideal.")
    elif pesopaciente > peso:
        print("Você está acima do peso ideal.")
        print("Você está na média de peso.")

Author: Filipe Teixeira, 2016-10-04 18:24:27

In addition to fixing the indentation and quotation mark problem, you should use the function raw_input() instead of the simple function input(). When using the input() function, the user must type " h " (with quotation marks) for the program to recognize the character as a string.

The input() function recognizes user input as Python code. That is, by entering only h (without quotes), python would try to evaluate this variable, which does not exist in your program.

The function raw_input (), in turn, returns the sequence of ASCII characters entered by the user before pressing ENTER, and this sequence of characters is interpreted as a string.

Author: Pedro Pinheiro, 2016-10-04 18:46:02