Implement social media share buttons?

You need to implement the ability to publish on social networks through the site. I tried, for example, in vk the following:

        url  = '';
        url += 'url='          + encodeURIComponent('');
        url += '&title='       + encodeURIComponent('title');
        url += '&description=' + encodeURIComponent('description');
        url += '&noparse=true';,'','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436');

But I was faced with the fact that the description comment section of the post (in the popup) is not filled in. Plus, the {[5] button doesn't work in the popup itself]}tell your friends on the page, but the moment works if you send the record by private message.

I tried the option from the docks vk, problems identical:

<script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="windows-1251"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  url: '',
  title: 'Заголовок страницы',
  description: 'Это мой собственный сайт, я его очень долго делал',
  image: '',
  noparse: true

Is there any ready-made basic template for sharing in social networks (without downloading packages in npm)?

I should have vk, fb, twitter.

Author: Ivan, 2019-07-31

1 answers

I used it for a while

Fast and convenient.

We stumbled on some icons, loaded the script, stuck the code below (or similar for the cms, there is everything on the page), and hooray. :)

There are also a lot of settings, for the descriptor and the rest. You can push variables there.

<div class="share42init"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Author: Crus, 2019-07-31 20:31:42