Unsuccessfully installing an app on a Genesis gt-7240 tablet

I have a tablet Genesis GT-7240, whose Android version is 4.1.1, Kernel 3.0.36+.

My manifest.xml has

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" android:targetSdkVersion="17" />

I'm trying to run a simple application that uses Google Maps and therefore the build has to be via Google API and not Android.

I compiled the application, marked on the tablet to accept the untrusted sources, copied the APK to the tablet Download folder, as I have done hundreds of times with others applications.

However, when installing the application, the message

X App not installed

And there is no explanation of which error.

Other apps that rely on Google Maps have also seen that didn't work to please before.

Note: on another tablet, now a Samsung, it works. And the version is 3.2.

Author: Maniero, 2014-02-05

3 answers

The Google Maps API is not native to the Android OS, that is, it is not part of the core of Android and may not be available on this tablet.

This occurs mainly in models that are not approved by OHA and Google, and so for legal reasons can not put Google Maps on the device, and so it is not possible to install since it is an essential library for the application that is not installed on the tablet.

Even this is the reason you get to install on Samsung device, which is homologated and has Google Maps.

Author: Neto Marin, 2014-02-11 01:00:59

If your AndroidManifest.xml has permission ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and the device does not have GPS (which seems to be the case with this tablet), it will not install. The reason is simple: this permission is precisely what makes the GPS feature available to the apps and therefore requires a GPS receiver to work.

Author: Piovezan, 2014-02-05 16:40:27

Here in the company I also use a Genesis Tablet for development (GT-1230), and I realized that these devices do not have several sensors, I've had problems trying to download apps on Google Play, for lack of sensors (hardware) and not by software version, check if these applications based on Google API, do not require some sensor that maybe your Tablet does not have available.

Note: it may be something else, but in my experience it must be some connected to hardware, not software.

Author: Fernando Leal, 2014-02-05 15:59:10