Problem with joins between students subjects database

I am studying the types of joins and performing exercises, I can do without problem the inner joins but, I have difficulty with the other variants like the left join, in my example I have created a small and simple database.

enter the description of the image here

Data entered in the tables:


1          | Ingles      
2          | Programacion 
3          | Matemáticas      
4          | Literatura 
5          | Algebra      


1         |   1        |   1   
2         |   1        |   2
3         |   1        |   3
4         |   2        |   1    
5         |   2        |   3
6         |   2        |   4
7         |   3        |   1   
8         |   3        |   3
9         |   3        |   4
10        |   2        |   5


1          | Sistemas          
2          | Administracion  
3          | Derecho   


1         | 1          | Jean Carlos    
2         | 2          | Maria
3         | 3          | Carla

Originally the exercise consists of finding out the career and the subjects that the student has = Jean Carlos

This is the code I used to join the tables and get what I wanted, with that I already have the subjects that the student is taking:

select a.IDALUMNO1, a.ALUMNO1, m.MATERIA1 
from ALUMNO1 a 
     inner join CARRERA1 c on a.IDCARRERA1 = c.IDCARRERA1  
     inner join CARRERA1_MATERIA1 cm on cm.IDCARRERA1 = c.IDCARRERA1  
     inner join MATERIA1 m  on m.IDMATERIA1 = cm.IDMATERIA1 
where ALUMNO1='Jean Carlos'

Now I need to know what the subjects that he is not studying, according to my records he is not studying neither literature nor algebra, supposedly by changing the inner for a left join I was going to show the subjects that have no relation to my student, but it does not work, it continues to appear the same.

Where is the problem and how can I fix it?

Author: Alvaro Montoro, 2016-07-13

1 answers

Answering my own question the solution I found was as follows:

select a.alumno1, m.materia1 
from materia1 m 
left join carrera1_materia1 cm on m.idmateria1 = cm.idmateria1 
left join carrera1 c on c.idcarrera1 = cm.idcarrera1 
left join alumno1 a on a.idalumno1 = c.idcarrera1 
where a.idalumno1 is null 
Author: jeancarlos733, 2016-09-12 01:27:05