Infinite Preloader

I applied a preloader on a site but it "doesn't shut down" so to speak.

$(window).on('load', function () {
    $('#preloader .inner').fadeOut();
    $('body').delay(350).css({'overflow': 'visible'});
<div id="preloader">
    <div class="inner">
       <div class="bolas">

An error that appears is:

Preloader.js: 2 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined at preloader.js: 2

Author: Daniel Mendes, 2020-06-06

1 answers

You are using code that needs the jQuery library and did not add it.

Add it before this script that needs it; you can use a CDN font

<script src=""></script>
Author: Leonardo Negrão, 2020-06-06 01:55:28