Insert emoji into html input

I would like to know because when I enter the emoji code in an input in the html does not appear the emoji but the hexadecimal code, if I insert the code in any area in the html works less in the input field. I tried inserting into VALUE but without success. Would anyone know to inform me

<input type="text" id="send_msg" name="message" class="write_msg" value="&#x1f603;" role="image" placeholder="Digite aqui sua mensagem" />
Author: Giovani Junior Sobrinho, 2019-09-21

1 answers

Use <meta charset="UTF-8"> so that there is consistency in the appearance of the emoji across platforms.


<input id='usrInput' value=''>


document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")[0].value = String.fromCodePoint(0x1F354);
Author: Rafael Soares, 2019-09-21 06:03:25