32-bit DLL on windows server 2008 R2 64-bit

Hello I have registered a 32-bit DLL in windows server 2008 R2 64-bit and it registers correctly, I can even create the object, but the time to use a method defined in the dll always comes out to me:

ADODB.Connection error '800a0e78'  
La operación no está permitida si el objeto está cerrado.

I am using Classic ASP and the DLL contains a function that connects to oracle 12c by odbc I have already checked the connection string and it is correct, on 32 bit server it works correctly with Classic ASP and oracle 10g.

I'm calling the DLL as follows

dim objBdaPais    
set objBdaPais = Server.CreateObject("nombredll.nombrecls")
sPais = objBdaPais.nombreMetodo()

I hope you can help me.


Author: Jose Tierra, 2016-09-20

1 answers

I can think of the following: if you connect via ODBC, you still don't have it configured well...

On 64-bit systems you have two consoles to configure ODBC data sources. The default display from the control panel is 64bits. And what you set up there is not going to see your 32bits app. You have to configure the connection in the 32-bit ODBC console...

Hence the error message in your app. Because you have failed to connect


Author: floss.dev, 2016-09-23 13:49:22