Instantiate class with Dependency Injection using Kotlin in unit tests

I am trying to find a solution of how I can instantiate a class that uses dependency injection in unit tests using Kotlin and JUnit.

I have a class that uses dependency injection:

class MinhaClasse @Inject constructor(val meuService: IMeuService, val outroService: IOutroService, val minhaFactory: IMinhaFactory): IMinhaClasse {

Where in my primary constructor I'm injecting the interfaces from where I'm going to need it.

I have my test file for this class:

class MeuServiceTest {
    private val meuService = mock(

    fun meuMetodoTest() {
        val expectedResult = ...
        val result = runBlocking { meuService.meuMetodo(parametroDoMetodo) }
        assertEquals(expectedResult, result)

I am using runblocking as this method is asynchronous.

How can they see I'm trying to mock my class but its return is null , I'm using the Mockito library next to JUnit for Kotlin described below:


The version of my Kotlin is 1.3.41 .

Author: Rafael de Mattos, 2020-02-13

1 answers

After talking to more experienced devs I ended up adopting another library called MockK which is able to perform mock interfaces and classes more easily!

Author: Rafael de Mattos, 2020-02-19 17:49:21