Internationalization in Domain Driven Design (DDD) architecture)

What would be the best strategy to internationalize a system in the DDD architecture, knowing that we have strings to internationalize present in the layers:

  1. Presentation-Views
  2. application - ViewModels our DataAnnotation
  3. Domain-Validation and Specifications

Considering that the Domain layer should not know any layer, it would be discarded the possibility of creating an internationalization project in a layer that permeates all the others?

Author: perozzo, 2017-03-31

2 answers

I think the best way is to use in Domain DLLs the Resource, One for each language you want, then only treat calls to use the right culture, if it is Asp.NEt core, has an example in the abiaxo link, which is a very complete example:


Author: TioRAC, 2017-05-26 15:03:28

Good Morning friends, after investing some time in research I solved my internationalization problem by creating a CrossCutting layer, where through the layers I perform the internationalization of my entire project, that is, I can perform the internationalization of my Views (presentation layer), ViewModel(application layer), validation messages,specifications, etc. (Domain layer).

Taking advantage, I created a tool that automates the entire process of creating layers (with the exception of my Views), based on queries in the bank, that is, to perform a simple Crud in DDD, I have some 18 files where they are generated in just one click. I will make it available in the future to help the developer community

Author: Wagner Santos, 2017-08-17 16:44:57