Inventory control by grouping products of the same type

I am producing a stock control system, but the stock needs to have a grouping system of products with the same SKU, example, I have a product called "T-shirt A", but there are several types of" T-shirts A", I have different sizes, but grouping by SKU.

How could I do this so as not to compromise control?

Ex: when leaving a product with SKU" sk001 "of size" M " do not influence the control of stock the products with SKU" sk001 "of size "G".

Author: Hanania Mizrahi, 2019-01-19

1 answers

Hello, let's the solution we discussed in the chat, we decided to change the structure of the project a little.

Where we will add the sizes field if related to the categories of the products, so when castrating a movement it will automatically load the possible sizes, so that at the time of registration of some stock movement does not occur problems, and with this change works as necessary for the control of the stock.

Cat for more information I recommend reading chat

Author: Bulfaitelo, 2019-01-19 18:36:47