Genymotion does not work on AMD with Windows 10 [closed]

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I have been using Genymotion on my computer for a while but with problems, sometimes it worked other times not, I have reinstalled it many times and now I definitely do not It works.

The exact error is:

enter the description of the image here

I have to activate the Virtualization in the BIOS, but I do not have that option, my laptop is an Acer Aspire 5560G, with AMD A8

I would like to know how I can use Genymotion or that I need to install myself by not having the virtualization option on AMD.

Call Acer and I was told that my computer does not have the virtualization option... Although I have ever been able to use Genymotion with Windows 10 and I think some update made me fail

Author: M. Mariscal, 2016-02-15

2 answers

The first thing you should do is check if you have virtualization support enabled.

The easiest way to do this in Windows 10 is from the Performance tab of the Task Manager

enter the description of the image here

Another way to check is by using the tool Microsoft Hyper-V system Compatibility Check

In case these tools indicate that it is enabled, the problem it could be that you have Hyper-V installed. in that case you would have two options, uninstall it or change the startup settings to be able to boot with Hyper-V disabled (this article in English is very good)

If none of this works for you it is possible that your processor/board does not support the virtualization extensions or, that although I support them there is some problem and you have to update the bios. In this other article (in English) you can see more information but each board has its own tools to update the bios and you would have to look for them on the manufacturer's website

Update: the error could also be related to the configuration of the network interfaces that are created in Virtual Box, look at yourself this Video

Author: rsciriano, 2016-02-15 21:05:52

To enable BIOS virtualization you should have 2 things in mind.

1 - an option in the PC BIOS called "AMD SVM Support" that must be enabled.

2-a win 10 service must be disabled "Hyper V"

If your BIOS does not allow this option to be enabled, you should consider updating the BIOS to do so.

Greetings Emiliano

Author: Emiliano, 2016-02-15 16:27:54