Is ASMX web service obsolete?

I came across the need to consume an ASMX Web Service. Until then it had only consumed RESTful APIs. I noticed that the same is quite different from a RESTful API, for example.

Given the way it is configured, it seems that it has already been left out, which is something quite old.

Is it recommended to use an ASMX Web Service? Does anyone still use the same to create a Web Service from scratch?

Author: Maniero, 2018-03-22

1 answers

Set deprecated.

If you consider that it is used for the ASP.NET Classic, with WebForms and things like that, we can say yes.

But it is still considered a valid and supported component in .NET. can use.

The question is whether to. There are no updates on top of it, and there is a general, not exactly official recommendation not to use it anymore.

Who has a large base using it may have some gain by maintaining continuity. If you will only consume what already there is, it can be interesting.

If there is little and it is easy to convert I think I would go from WEB API using the ASP.NET Core. Only you can assess whether it compensates for the effort. The gain will not be big in use, maybe more organization in development, or scale.

Author: Maniero, 2018-04-23 14:07:10